• Question: is your salary comfortable?

    Asked by kudzai and grace on 23 Jun 2021.
    • Photo: Louise Wood

      Louise Wood answered on 23 Jun 2021: last edited 30 Jun 2021 9:17 am

      Yes. Engineering pays well. Particularly so as your career progresses and your experience increases. If you have an impressive catalogues of projects behind you and lots of letters after your name then this will increase your earning potential. It is hard work but totally worth it.

      Plus we get discounted or free goods from our clients which helps our salary go even further. I work on site for factories that makes cakes, sweets, cider, whiskey, cleaning products, toiletries, dog food, coffee machine pods, pizza express, grass seed and packaging. These sites offer us goods for free or at a reduced price at their staff/visitors shops. So that’s really nice additional bonus.

    • Photo: Chloe James

      Chloe James answered on 23 Jun 2021:

      Yes, definitely! Most engineering jobs are well paid and allow you to live quite comfortably. In my company, I get a salary which is paid monthly but also receive a bonus once a year, depending on how well I perform, and how well the company performs. This is a really nice incentive to work really hard throughout the year.

    • Photo: Mark Eyles

      Mark Eyles answered on 24 Jun 2021:

      It is. Funny thing though, even if the salaries were only average, I’d still want to be an engineer. Salary is important of course but job satisfaction is very important too.

    • Photo: Sam Hurst

      Sam Hurst answered on 24 Jun 2021:

      Yes, engineers earn a good salary dependent on experience. We also get good benefits such as a company car and private healthcare in many situations.

    • Photo: Sophie Dawson

      Sophie Dawson answered on 24 Jun 2021:

      Yes, definitely. There are always going to be industries that pay better, but engineers are always in demand and the job security is good too. Plus, I really enjoy my job which is what matters most

    • Photo: Caroline Roche

      Caroline Roche answered on 26 Jun 2021:

      Yes, along with my base salary (what I get a year if I just turn up for work) I get overtime for my extra hours that I work. I also get paid an allowance if I have to work away from home and that increases if I have to work in certain environments e.g. offshore or in a radiation zone. My work will also pay for my accomodation, food and transport when I’m working away.

    • Photo: Carys Kelly

      Carys Kelly answered on 28 Jun 2021:

      Engineers can be paid all sorts of salaries dependent on what qualifications you have and how much experience you have. I graduated university last year and definitely make a good salary, as engineering graduates make some of the highest salaries compared to other people who have different degrees.

    • Photo: Tom Kitching

      Tom Kitching answered on 28 Jun 2021:

      Very comfortable – engineers are known to be some of the best paid graduates who leave university. I did chemical engineering, which, at the time, was the second best paid job after university after dentistry (but who wants to look in people’s mouths all day).

    • Photo: Tommy Shinton

      Tommy Shinton answered on 1 Jul 2021:

      It is, yes. Engineers salaries can vary quite a lot depending on what it is you do, but it’s always going to be comfortable (unless you want to be buying mansions and cars every month!)

    • Photo: Emma Crook

      Emma Crook answered on 12 Jul 2021:

      yes definitely. my company is privately owned and often there are end of year bonus paychecks for those who do well. i also get benefits such as private medical care and vouchers for the gym, or to buy tech.
